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Tessera version history
Finding help in Tessera
Backing up Tessera
Setting up security
Tessera Preferences
Navigating Tessera
Creating Records
Deleting Records
Printing Records
Exporting Records
Saving data in Tessera
Sorting data in Tessera
Printing Labels
Searching Tessera
Tessera Home Screen Features
Installing Tessera on your Mac
Installing Tessera on your PC
Installing Tessera on your iPhone or iPad
Sharing Tessera
Sharing Tessera without networking
Importing People into Tessera
Import Artworks into Tessera
Updating Tessera
Overview of the Artwork Component in Tessera
Available artwork fields
Creating new artworks
Deleting artworks
Pricing artworks
The Artwork Tracker and managing unique items of stock
The Artwork Dashboard
Consigning artworks INTO Tessera
Consigning artworks OUT from Tessera
Managing artwork images
Attaching documents to artwork records
Managing artwork custom fields
Copying artwork and image data to the Clipboard
Printing artworks
Managing artwork Collections
Overview of the People Component in Tessera
Managing Lists
Printing people records
Exporting people records
Overview of the Invoice Component in Tessera
Selling artworks
Invoice preferences and designing invoices
Printing statements of account for outstanding invoices
Managing amounts payable to artists and owners on sale of artworks
Overview of the Reports available in Tessera
Browse all Sales and all Stock
Report: Snapshot Report
Report: Stock Report
Report: Sales Report
Report: Incomplete Invoices
Report: Payments received from clients on sales of artworks
Report: Purchase Report