Adding a new client, in all scenarios, now works as expected.
When adding artworks to consignment documents users now have the option of turning on The Tracker while selecting artworks.
When adding artworks to a consignment document the full Stock ID is displayed making it easier to select the correct item.
Correction: New People records can now be created even when there are no records in the People Component.
Amend printout for single page images so that header appears on every page
When selecting to print from the artwork component users are prompted to print the current or all artworks being browsed.
On the Artwork Dashboard you can now copy artwork details to the Clipboard.
New download options when checking for new versions.
Pricing now appears on Print Templates as expected.
Custom menu labels now persist on restart.
Placeholders added to print templates are replaced by correct fields for all selections.
Option to export all images for a single artwork.
Option to export all images ever entered into Tessera sequentially numbered with artist name and artwork title.
When adding a new image record users are not immediately prompted to search their computer for an image. Instead a blank record is presented giving the user the option to drag or paste in an image or use the button provided to find an image on their computer.
When creating a new Payment Document the step where the person is added to the document now works as expected.
Clicking on the larger image on the Artwork Edit Screen now takes you to the Image Screen instead of the Image Share screen.