Tessera 406

Tessera 406

Artwork Status

A colour can now be associated with an artwork status. Clicking on the Status icon allows you to alter the status of an artwork without returning to the Edit Screen. Choose from eight colours and associate any status with any selected colour.

View Purchasers of Artworks

On the LIST, List, Batch and Edit screens you can now select to view client’s who’ve purchased an artwork. Where you have several copies of an artwork all clients will be listed and clicking on the names reveals them in list format. Clicking on a name will take you to the related client record.

Custom Fields and Artwork Image Relocated

On the Artwork Edit screen Custom Fields have been moved so that they can all be accessed at once while the thumbnail image has been enlarged and moved to the top left of the screen.

Overview Screen

Artist’s artworks can be sorted when viewed on the Overview screen.

Edition Sets

Individual edition entries for an artwork can now belong to “Edition Sets”. Editions Sets have unique IDs making it easy to have any number of unique artwork entries even where the entries have the same edition number.

EXAMPLES: You sell prints of your artworks or photographs. There maybe two sets of prints for the artwork. “Large” and “Small” each set of prints has 10 copies numbered 1/10 to 10/10.

You can now prevent confusing these prints by creating two Edition Sets. One named “Large Prints” on named “Small Prints”. Now it’s clearly shown on screen which print belongs to which set. At the time of sale you can easily select which print to add to an invoice.

Edition Sets also have the added feature of allowing individual pricing for each item in a Edition Set. You can set default, Locations and Mediums for sets and over-ride these for individual artworks where required.

The People Component

The main screen in the People Component has been redesigned so that user’s have immediate access to all related client activity on the one screen.

The People Component List Screen has been redesigned for easier comprehension and use of the Sort buttons will render as bold the selected sort criteria.
